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Managed Chaos
Naresh Jain's Random Thoughts on Software Development and Adventure Sports
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Agile India 2010 Conference: Panel and Lightning Talks

Monday, July 5th, 2010
Agile Mumbai 2010 – Lightning Talks
Agile Mumbai 2010 – Panel
Agile Bengaluru 2010 – Panel

A Message from Captain Planet

Monday, July 5th, 2010

A message from Captain Planet (aka Saurabh Arora) showing the effect of global warming and how we can take small steps everyday to avoid further worsening the situation.

Agile Bengaluru 2010 Conference
Agile Mumbai 2010 Conference

Analysis Anti-Patterns

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

In this 60 mins tutorial presented by Tarang Baxi, Chirag Doshi and Dhaval Doshi at the Agile Mumbai 2010 conference, he demonstrates and discusses various business analysis anti-patterns, particularly as they apply to and impact agile projects. These anti-patterns range from BA behavior with customers to BA behavior with their own team members.

Breaking the Monotony

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

At the Agile Bengaluru 2010 conference, Sai Venkatakrishnan and Harikrishnan express their concern on the monotony that has crept into the way we develop application and how it affects us being Agile.

We follow agile, but are the systems we are building Agile?

A Startup Journey: Evolving from Ad-hoc to Agile to Kanban

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

A case study presented by Siddharta Govindaraj at the Agile Bengaluru 2010 Conference describing a period of 6 years in two startup companies that he was involved with.

The first part covers the period from 2004 to 2006 when Sidd was working with a startup based out of Singapore. He explains how we moved from doing ad-hoc development to adopting Scrum. Adopting Scrum was a big improvement over our previous ad-hoc approach but Scrum also led them to make some classic mistakes (from a lean point of view).

The second part covers the period from 2007 to 2009 when Sidd started his own company in India. The company was started with Scrum right from the beginning. He explains how we evolved from vanilla Scrum to Lean and Kanban.

Transcending Cultures, Timezones and Countries

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

At the Agile Mumbai 2010, Mahesh Baxi takes you through an exciting journey of key lessons learned from one of the largest agile projects executed at ThoughtWorks which will cover:

  • Key agile principles
  • What challenges comes along with the scale of up to 200+ people with added complexity of distributed location
  • How is it different from other agile projects in terms of planning ahead, release plans, scope management, infrastructure
  • Communication – The most important ingredient for large scale agile projects to be successful
  • What kind of team structure would work best?
  • How to stay focused? How to identify bottlenecks and work through them

Babysteps to Agility

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

At the Agile Bengaluru 2010 conference, Jann Thomas discusses and identifies ways in which agile enablers can facilitate the transition to Agile practices. She covered basic Agile practices as well as techniques for introducing them to the software delivery team. She also presents common software delivery problems and the Agile path to solutions.

Stop It Or I will Bury You Alive In A Box

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

During the Agile Bengaluru 2010 conference, J.B. Rainsberge, in his Keynote highlights the top 10 things he wished people would stop doing on Software Projects.

Using ToC and JIT Practice to Coach Agile Teams

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

J B Rainsberger & Naresh Jain share their experience on coaching agile teams. They present:

  1. How to apply Theory of Constraint [ToC] to identify the bottlenecks or issues the teams are facing during their agile adoption?
  2. Once we identify the bottleneck, how we delivered knowledge and experience to the teams, just in time to apply that knowledge to eliminate the bottleneck, using the Just-In-Time practice concept?

This 90 mins workshop was presented at the Agile Mumbai 2010 and Agile Bengaluru 2010 conference.

Discovery and Delivery – David Hussman’s Video from Agile Bengaluru 2010 Conference

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

David Hussman’s Keynote at Agile Bengaluru 2010 Conference titled: “Discovery and Delivery – Redesigning Agility

David starts off saying “Agile communities know that the sooner they deliver a working product the sooner they can determine the value it provides. Yet while the ability to deliver frequently is valuable, if you don’t know where you are going, it is easy to iteratively not get there.”

In this talk David RI-examines the balance of discovery and delivery techniques in use by agile communities today. He specifically, discusses how can design thinking help agile communities discover deeper product value before iterative delivery begins. Also, after the first iteration, how can agile communities use design tools to keep the users alive and well and part of every story, acceptance tests, and iteration of development and delivery.

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